
百宸观点 | 美股招股书文件中关于“企业所属地运营风险”披露的比较



企业所属地运营风险是非美国本土公司在美股上市过程中,于F-1表格和最终的424(b)文件(招股书文件)中的“RISK FACTORS”部分需要披露的内容,主要涉及所属地及其他主要经营地的经济、政治、法规、社会等方面的风险因素。



在本文选取的7份招股书文件中,并未全部单独设置“企业所属地运营风险”子章节,其中:有4份在“RISK FACTORS”部分单独设置了“企业所属地运营风险”子章节,并在“公司业务与行业”章节下从公司业务角度出发对公司在所属地运营的一些具体风险进行了补充;另外3份招股书文件设置单独“企业所属地运营风险”子章节,但是在其他章节中对相关内容进行了披露。



(一)ARB IOT GROUP LIMITED(“ARB”)的主要经营地位于马来西亚,其招股书文件中的“Risks Related to Operation in Malaysia”子章节披露了以下风险:


1. Our operations are subject to various laws and regulations in Malaysia;

2. The economy of Malaysia in general might not grow as quickly as expected, which could adversely affect our revenues and business prospects;

3. Developments in the social, political, regulatory and economic environment in Malaysia may have a material adverse impact on us;

4. We face the risk that changes in the policies of the Malaysian government could have a significant impact upon the business we may be able to conduct in Malaysia and the profitability of such business;

5. Fluctuations in exchange rates could adversely affect our business and the value of our securities;

6. We are subject to foreign exchange control policies in Malaysia;

7. Because our principal assets are located outside of the United States and all of our directors and officers reside outside of the United States, it may be difficult for you to enforce your rights based on U.S. federal securities laws against us or our officers and directors or to enforce a judgment of a United States court against us or our officers and directors in Malaysia;

8. Failure to comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Malaysia anti-corruption laws could subject us to penalties and other adverse consequences.

此外,在“Risks Related to Our Industry and Governmental Regulation”子章节中,招股书文件还披露了新冠疫情的影响,和从业务的角度出发专门披露了与公司业务相关的个人数据保护和其他领域法规持续变化的风险。

(二)Ohmhome Limited(“OHM”)的主要经营地包括新加坡和马来西亚,其招股书文件中的“Risks Relating to the Jurisdictions Where We Operate”子章节披露了以下风险:


1. Any adverse changes in the political, economic, legal, regulatory taxation or social conditions in the jurisdictions that we operate in or intend to expand our business may have a material adverse effect on our operations, financial performance and future growth;

2. We are exposed to risks in respect of acts of war, terrorist attacks, epidemics, political unrest, natural disasters, adverse weather and other uncontrollable events;

3. We are subject to evolving laws, regulations, standards and policies, and any actual or perceived failure to comply could harm our reputation and brand, subject us to significant fines and liability, or otherwise adversely affect our business;

4. The interpretation and application of laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which we operate involve uncertainties;

5. Any limitations on the ability of our subsidiaries to pay dividends to us could have a material adverse effect on our ability to conduct our business;

6. Government regulation of loans and direct investments by our Company to our foreign subsidiaries may delay or prevent us from making loans or additional capital contributions, which could materially and adversely affect our liquidity and ability to expand our business and operations in such jurisdictions.

此外,在“Risks Related to Our Business and Industry” 子章节中,招股书文件还披露了新冠疫情的影响,和公司业务的角度出发专门披露了与公司业务相关的执业许可和数据保护领域法规持续变化的风险。

(三)Lyt Technology Holdings PTV. LTD.(“LYT”)的主要经营地位于印度,其招股书文件中的“Risks Related to Doing Business in India”子章节披露了以下风险:


1. A substantial portion of our business and operations are located in India and we are subject to regulatory, economic, social and political uncertainties in India;

2. As the domestic Indian market constitutes a significant source of our revenue, a slowdown in economic growth in India could cause our business to suffer;

3. The ecommerce business in India is susceptible to extraneous events such as terrorist attacks and other acts of violence, which may result in a reduction in online transaction volumes impacting our business profitability;

4. Natural calamities could have a negative impact on the Indian economy and cause our business to suffer;

5. Restrictions on foreign investment in India may prevent us from making future acquisitions or investments in India, which may adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and financial performance.

此外,在“Risks Related to Our Business and Industry”子章节中,招股书文件还披露了法律演变、执法和司法不确定性的风险,基础设施不完善的风险,汇率波动的风险,知识产权保护的不确定性风险,Competition Act的影响不确定性风险,和新冠疫情的影响。

(四)Nu Holding Ltd.(“NU”)的主要经营地位于巴西和哥伦比亚、墨西哥,其招股书文件中的“Risks Relating to the Countries in Which We Operate”子章节披露了以下风险:


1. Exchange rate and interest rate instability may have a material adverse effect on the economies of the countries in which we operate and the price of our Class A ordinary shares and BDRs;

2. Disruption or volatility in global financial and credit markets could adversely affect the financial and economic environment in the countries in which we operate, most notably Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations;

3. Governments have exercised, and continue to exercise, significant influence over the Brazilian economy and the other economies in which we operate. This influence, as well as political and economic conditions in Brazil and the other countries in which we operate, could harm our business, financial condition and results of operations and the price of our Class A ordinary shares and BDRs;

4. Changes made by the Central Bank of Brazil in the basic interest rate could materially adversely affect our operating results and financial condition;

5. Infrastructure and workforce deficiency in Brazil may impact economic growth and have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations;

6. Inflation and certain government measures to curb inflation have historically harmed the economies and capital markets in some of the countries in which we operate, including Brazil, and high levels of inflation in the future could harm our business and the price of our Class A ordinary shares and BDRs;

7. Any further downgrading of Brazil’s credit rating could depress the trading price of our Class A ordinary shares and BDRs.


  1. 在 “Risks Relating to Our Business and Industry”子章节中,招股书文件披露了新冠疫情的影响;

  2. 在 “Risks Relating to Intellectual Property, Privacy and Cybersecurity” 子章节中,招股书文件披露了知识产权保护的不确定性影响;

  3. 招股书中单独设置了“Risks Relating to Regulatory Matters and Litigation”子章节集中披露了法律演变、执法和司法不确定性的风险。


(一)Starbox Group Holdings Ltd.(“Starbox”)的主要经营地位于马来西亚,在“Risks related to Our Business and Industry”子章节中,招股书文件进行了以下披露:与是否取得一项行政许可有关的风险,新冠疫情的影响,主要经营地情况的风险,个人数据保护法律的影响,知识产权保护的不确定性风险。

(二)SYLA Technologies Corporration(“SYLA”)的主要经营地位于日本,招股书文件通过以下方式进行了披露:

  1. 在“Risks Related to our Business”子章节中,招股书文件披露了公共卫生流行病或爆发(比如新冠疫情)的不利影响,日本法律规定的股东权利不同于其他国家的规定,汇率波动风险;

  2. 在“Risks Related to the Commercial and Residential Real Estate Construction and Development Business”子章节中,招股书文件披露了法律法规的不确定性对公司项目运营方面的风险,有关环境问题和气候变化的法规对公司的影响,东京、神奈川、京都和大阪的23个区在天然灾害、失业率、人口变化、当地监管环境等方面对公司造成的影响,主要经营地电力、天然气、水供应和资源短缺的影响,自1990年以来的长期经济低迷的影响;

  3. 在“Risks Related to Solar Business” 子章节中,招股书文件披露了现有的电力行业条例和条例的修改对公司的影响,日本税务局和日本法院对现行法律和解释对公司能否获得资金向客户提供太阳能系统的影响,业务集中地的经济、监管、政治、天气和其他条件的影响,法律法规对于公司开展的许可业务的影响,法律法规的变化对公司对外签署合同的影响,一般意义上法律法规的变化对公司业务的影响;

  4. 在“Risks Related to Intellectual Property”子章节中,招股书文件披露了知识产权保护的不确定性风险。

  5. 在“General Risks”子章节中,招股书文件披露了环境和安全法律或其他法律的合规要求对公司经营成本的影响,自然灾害、恐怖主义、武装敌对行动或公共卫生问题对公司业务的影响,应对气候变化的法律、监管或市场措施对公司业务的影响。

(三)Mynaric AG (“Mynaric”)的主要经营地位于德国,招股书文件通过以下方式进行了披露:

  1. 在“Risks Related to Our Business” 子章节中,招股书文件披露了汇率波动的风险;

  2. 在“Regulatory, Legal and Tax Risks”子章节中,招股书文件披露了出口管制法规对公司的影响,Dodd-Frank Act对公司的影响,法律法规的变化对公司的影响,政治、环境和安全因素对公司业务的影响,诉讼和监管程序不确定性对公司业务的影响,反腐败、反洗钱、反垄断和数据保护和出口管制条例等法规的变化对公司内控管理的影响。













  1. 公司的经营受到所在地法律法规的约束,部分招股书还专门针对公司业务描述了某些具体的法律法规对公司业务的影响;

  2. 现有的法律法规未来会不时地进行修订,这方面存在不确定性;

  3. 政府机关在未来对法律的解释上存在不确定性;

  4. 政府机关未来在执法和司法方面存在不确定性;

  5. 公司不能保证届时公司的业务会完全符合法律法规,如果发生这种情况,那么公司的经营可能会受到负面的影响。


1. The laws and regulations are subject to amendments, uncertainty in interpretation and administrative actions from time to time. For example, …Therefore, we cannot assure you that …, any failure to … may adversely affect …

2. Unfavorable regulations, laws, decisions, or interpretations by government or regulatory authorities applying those laws and regulations, or inquiries, investigations, or enforcement actions initiated by them, could … in a manner materially adverse to … or otherwise have a negative effect on our operations.

3. Interpretation, application, and enforcement of such laws, rules, regulations, and governmental orders, such as …, evolve from time to time and their scope may continually change…Any failure on …, could damage …

4. …Statutory laws and regulations are subject to judicial interpretation and enforcement and may not be applied consistently.

5. A regulator may determine that we have failed to comply with the applicable laws, regulations or rules or that we have not undertaken corrective action required by the regulator. The impact of us being found to be non-compliant in any such inquiry and/or investigation is difficult to assess or quantify and would depend on which regulatory regime was involved and the disciplinary and/or enforcement powers of the relevant regulator.

6. The courts in certain jurisdictions in which we operate or may in the future operate may offer less certainty as to the judicial outcome or a more protracted judicial process than is the case in more established economies.

7. We may be required to apply for additional approvals or modify our existing approvals because of changes in local circumstances or applicable law.

8. These laws and regulations are dynamic and subject to potentially differing interpretations, and various federal, prefecture and local legislative and regulatory bodies may expand current laws or regulations, or enact new laws and regulations, regarding these matters. Changes in these laws or regulations or their interpretation could dramatically affect…It is possible, however, that these requirements may be interpreted and applied in a manner that is inconsistent from one jurisdiction to another and may conflict with other rules or our practices.

9. Existing laws and regulations may evolve and be interpreted differently, and local governments and legislative or regulatory bodies may expand existing laws and regulations or enact new ones.

10. The laws of certain countries where we do business or may do business in the future may not recognize intellectual property rights or protect them to the same extent as do the laws of the United States. In addition, any changes in, or unexpected interpretations of, intellectual property laws may compromise our ability to enforce our trade secret and intellectual property rights.


在内容方面,7份招股书文件均以简单举例的方式披露“社会、政治,法律和经济环境”的风险,主要包括:战争、恐怖主义、民族主义、实行资本管制,税务政策,经济状况,自然灾害,能源短缺,国家财政和货币政策, 政治领导层变化等。



We anticipate that our operations will be concentrated in 23 wards of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Kyoto, and Osaka. Some or all of these regions could be affected by…

1. Our business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations are dependent on and may be adversely affected by political, economic, social and legal developments that are beyond our control in each of the jurisdictions that we operate in or in which we intend to expand our business and operations. Such political and economic uncertainties may include risks of war, terrorism, nationalism, expropriation or nullification of contracts, changes in interest rates, economic growth, national fiscal and monetary policies, inflation, deflation, methods of taxation and tax policy. Negative developments in the socio-political climate of these regions may also adversely affect our business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations. These developments may include, but are not limited to, changes in political leadership, nationalization, price and capital controls, sudden restrictive changes to government policies, introduction of new taxes on goods and services and introduction of new laws, as well as demonstrations, riots, coups and war. These may result in the nullification of contracts and/or prohibit us from continuing our business operations.

2. Substantially all of our current operations are located in Malaysia. Due to this geographic concentration, our financial condition and operating results are subject to greater risks from changes in general economic and other conditions in Malaysia, than the operations of more geographically diversified competitors. These risks include:

  • changes in economic conditions and unemployment rates;

  • changes in laws and regulations;

  • changes in the competitive environment; and

  • adverse weather conditions and natural disasters.


1. 马来西亚-ARBB:


2. 马来西亚-STBX:











